Nobody's Perfect: A poor excuse

Moral perfection ain’t hard - we just choose not to

Nobody's Perfect: A poor excuse

Tonight at the dinner table I was  teaching my kids about character. Simply put, having character is doing  the right thing even when no ones else is looking.

It was simple and I think they got it straight away.

Somehow, Noah (7), mentioned in the conversation “…but nobody is perfect, right Dad?”. In my head, the Star Trek red alert klaxon went off. Whenever I’ve heard those words it almost always has the connotation that somehow it is OK not to be perfect or that perfection is asking too much.

“What do you mean nobody is perfect?”, I asked. He looked at me and  stammered a bit, obviously I was not going to get anywhere with that  question so I just began to unpack my thoughts on the matter.

Accidents & Mistakes

Doing something wrong unintentionally deserves no blame. If you  accidentally knock your sister over, you may really hurt her but I  wouldn’t punish you for it because you did nothing wrong.

Moral perfection ain’t hard - we just choose not to

When you do something you know is wrong on purpose, is it hard to do  right instead? Was it impossible to do right all the time? Is it  unreasonable to expect you to do right all the time?

They all chimed in, “No. Of course not.” Even at their young age they  know they are in full control of their capacity to choose and act  against what they know is wrong.

Bringing it back to God

God has the same expectations for us. Far too many people never “need  Jesus” because they never see themselves as anything other than  “imperfect” and therefore never humble themselves before Him in a  heartfelt and contrite way (2 Cor 7:10).

This is so important to me because this is the exact reason I grew up  in a godly, Christian home but didn’t not truly find my need for a  Savior until I was nearly 18 years old. Then, I repented in tears with a  broken heart at the hurt I has caused my Maker and loving Savior.

I hope I never leave my children with false comfort and security that  may obscure their ever realizing their need for the foolishness the  Cross (1 Cor 1:18).