Kill it and Drag it Home Manifesto

This manifesto is not for the traditional Christian man. It eschews popular theology and even orthodox doctrine. However, I believe it is true to God's heart and true to his Word.

  1. I will not rely on God for or ask Him to do the things in which He gave me charge.
  2. I will provide physical and emotional protection to my wife and children by being prepared in all areas of that role including providing peace of mind by making my intentions clear.
  3. I will dig ditches or peel potatoes to make sure that my family is well fed and cared for. No job is too menial, demeaning or difficult.
  4. I will maintain passion and vision in all areas of my life from my work to my personal development so that my leadership is strong.
  5. I will constantly re-evaluate the bar which I have set for me, my children and my marriage so that I don’t fall into the trap of complacency and low expectations.
  6. I refuse to work by running down the clock but will strive to be productive and efficient every day in my work for others.
  7. I believe my compensation is based not on my needs or desires but by the amount of value I create.
  8. I will not make excuses — ever. I will take full responsibility for anything I have even the slightest involvement.
  9. I will search for truth where ever it is found. I will ask difficult questions of myself and others. I will question popular opinion. I will question even the Bible and popular theology.
  10. I will not wait for God to open doors in any area of my life but through the cultivation of my talents and abilities and through raw tenacity will create opportunities in work and ministry.
  11. I will teach and train my children everyday; whether in doctrine, wisdom or life.
  12. I will refuse to have the Church be the primary Biblical instruction for my family. This is my job and I will take it seriously.
  13. I will bar my children from becoming punks.